Introduction into DNA Relationship testing (Paternity)
A DNA Relationship testing service is offered by Molecular Diagnostic Services (MDS) that uses the latest internationally accepted methods of DNA profiling for paternity, maternity, siblingship and kinship testing. The technology is based on the fact that all genetic markers present in the child are derived from the child’s bloodline parents. By examining the genetic markers of the biological mother and child, it can be determined which genetic markers must come from the biological father. With the use of DNA molecular technology, our test provides an extremely accurate probability of paternity.
A person’s genetic makeup or DNA profile remains the same throughout life therefore the analysis can be performed at any age.
Paternity/parentage testing can be requested for a number of reasons:
- A woman or man wishes to prove or disprove that they are the biological parent of a child.
- For maintenance purposes e.g. if a man is paying maintenance for a child but has doubts about being the biological father or if a mother wishes to prove that a certain man is the biological father of her child or children.
- For estate purposes i.e. the relatives of a deceased man may request testing if there is a claim against the estate by a woman alleging that the deceased man is the father of her child.
- The parents of babies that may have been mixed-up soon after birth.
- For birth certificates – Home Affairs requires a paternity test in order to change a child’s surname to that of the alleged father.
- Individuals wishing to immigrate to certain countries where one or both of their parents are living.
- Individuals that were adopted and who are trying to trace their biological parents.
By testing 15 loci plus the XY chromosome, the paternity test results will either exclude the alleged father 100% from being the father, or include him as being the true biological father with a probability of greater than 99.9%.